@database BGUI-Exchange_FR @master Work:Travaux/BGUI-Exchange/BGUI-Exchange_Eng.guide @$VER: BGUI-Exchange 1.0 (8.6.95) Doguet Emmanuel @author "Doguet Emmanuel" @(c) "(C) 1995 Doguet Emmanuel" @index HeddleyAutoIndex @remark Created with Heddley v1.1 (c) Edd Dumbill 1994 @node "Main" "BGUI-Exchange 1.0 (C) Doguet Emmanuel" @next "Pr sentation" @{b}@{u}B G U I - E x c h a n g e v 1 . 0@{ub}@{uu} 1995 Doguet Emmanuel @{i}This program use the @{ui} @{"bgui.library" link "bgui.library" 0} Overview " link "Pr sentation" 0} Installation " link "Installation" 0} Parameters " link "Param tres" 0} " link "Interface" 0} Menus " link "Menus" 0} Disclaimer " link "D sistement" 0} License " link "Distribution" 0} Copyrights " link "Copyrights" 0} Thanks to... " link "Remerciements" 0} History " link "Historique" 0} " link "A faire..." 0} Contacting author " link "Contacter l'auteur" 0} @endnode @node "Pr sentation" "Overview" @next "Installation" @prev "Main" @{b}@{u}Overview@{ub}@{uu} BGUI-Exchange is just a replacement for the workbench commodity 'Exchange'. It's a commodity manager. Features: o Use the bgui.library o Resizeable o Keyboard shortcup for listview and buttons o Open its GUI on the active-screen @endnode @node "Installation" "Installation" @next "Param tres" @prev "Pr sentation" @{b}@{u}Installation@{ub}@{uu} Just click on the 'Install_English' icon and answer to the questions. @endnode @node "Param tres" "Parameters" @next "Interface" @prev "Installation" @{b}@{u}Parameters@{ub}@{uu} The parameters of BGUI-Exchange can be modified by the tools-types of its icon. @{u}GUI parameters@{uu} SmartRefresh = YES The window of BGUI-Exchange will be in SmartRefresh mode NO The window will be in SimpleRefresh mode Aspect = THIN Gadget frame will be in THIN mode STANDARD Gadget frame will be in THICK mode AUTO Gadget frame will be THIN or THICK according to the screen-ratio Frame = STANDARD Gadget frame look normal XEN Gadget frame will be in XEN mode @{u}Commodity parameters@{uu} CX_POPUP = YES Open its window when first running CX_POPKEY = Hotkey (default: 'control help') CX_PRIORITY = 0 Priority of the hotkey @endnode @node "Interface" "GUI" @next "Menus" @prev "Param tres" @{b}@{u}GUI@{ub}@{uu} @{u}o Buttons@{uu} This buttons are available when a commodity is selected. @{bg fill}Show Interface @{bg back} Ask the commodity selected to show its GUI @{bg fill}Hide Interface @{bg back} Ask the commodity to hide its GUI @{bg fill}Active/Inactive @{bg back} Active or Inactive commodity or its Hotkeys @{bg fill}Remove @{bg back} Ask the commodity to quit @endnode @node "Menus" "Menus" @next "D sistement" @prev "Interface" @{b}@{u}Menus@{ub}@{uu} @{bg fill}Projet@{bg back} @{bg fill} @{bg back} @{bg fill}About...@{bg back} Open a request that gives informations on the program @{bg fill} @{bg back} @{bg fill}Cacher @{bg back} Hide GUI of BGUI-Exchange @{bg fill} @{bg back} @{bg fill}Quitter @{bg back} Quit BGUI-Exchange :-( @endnode @node "D sistement" "Disclaimer" @next "Distribution" @prev "Menus" @{b}@{u}Disclaimer@{ub}@{uu} In spite of numerous tests, I can't guarantee that BGUI-Exchange contains no errors. You use this program at your own risk. I won't be in charge if the use of BGUI-Exchange is responsible for any direct or indirect damages. @endnode @node "Distribution" "License" @next "Copyrights" @prev "D sistement" @{b}@{u}License@{ub}@{uu} BGUI-Exchange is freely distribuable until NO MODIFICATION is made in the programme or in the package. It can't be DISTRIBUATE without it's package. It may be distributed in PD collection, on servers, networks or on CD-ROM. BGUI-Exchange is a GIFTWARE, it's mean that if you like it you should do something like: - Net-mail, financial-contribution, postal card, programs, felicitations, A4000T.. It's a complete version, no limitation :-) Its commercial usage is prohibited without the agreement of the @{"author" link "Author" 0}. @endnode @node "Copyrights" "Copyrights" @next "Remerciements" @prev "Distribution" @{b}@{u}Copyrights@{ub}@{uu} @{"bgui.library" link "bgui.library" 0} (C) 1993-1995 Jaba Development Dice C V3.01 (C) 1990-1995 Obvious Implementations Corporation All Rights Reserved GoldED (C) 1995 Dietmar Eilert Amiga, AmigaDos and Workbench (C) Copyright Commodore-Amiga INC. All rights reserved. @endnode @node "Remerciements" "Thanks to..." @next "Historique" @prev "Copyrights" @{b}@{u}Thanks to...@{ub}@{uu} o @{i}Jan van den Baard@{ui} for the bgui.library. o @{i}Christophe Liz @{ui} for the correction of French & English documentation. @{u}B ta-tester:@{uu} o LIZE Christophe o DELISLE Pierre @endnode @node "Historique" "History" @next "A faire..." @prev "Remerciements" @{b}@{u}History@{ub}@{uu} @{u} Version Date Description @{uu} 1.0 (8.6.95) First version @endnode @node "A faire..." "TODO" @next "Contacter l'auteur" @prev "Historique" @{b}@{u}TODO@{ub}@{uu} o Arexx port for control commodities by Arexx script. @endnode @node "Contacter l'auteur" "Author" @next "bgui.library" @prev "A faire..." @{b}@{u}Contacting author@{ub}@{uu} DLError was written with DICE Pro v3.0 by Doguet Emmanuel on a A4000/030 at 30Mhz, 10Mo de RAM... I use of course the best text-editor: GoldED/Pro 3 ! For contacting me: E-MAIL: manu@ramses.fdn.org (pour les messages < 10Ko) manu@ramses.telesys-innov.fr (pour les messages > 10Ko) FIDONET: 2:320/104.64 Postal address: DOGUET Emmanuel 4, rue de Cornouailles 50130 OCTEVILLE / FRANCE @endnode @node "bgui.library" "bgui.library" @next "Main" @prev "Contacter l'auteur" @{b}@{u}bgui.library@{ub}@{uu} It allows to easily create and manage font sensitive and size adjustable GUI's. For the user, it allows to have smaller programs with nice GUI. Features: - Relatively small size - Font sensitive - Supports sizeable windows. - Free of charge (giftware), non-crippeled - Normal or XEN look - Many type of frames - Thin, Thick or Automatic gadget border See also @{"Copyrights" link "Copyrights" 0} @endnode @node HeddleyAutoIndex "Index" @remark Index auto-generated by Heddley Index of database BGUI-Exchange_FR Documents @{"Author" link "Contacter l'auteur"} @{"BGUI-Exchange 1.0 (C) Doguet Emmanuel" link "Main"} @{"bgui.library" link "bgui.library"} @{"Copyrights" link "Copyrights"} @{"Disclaimer" link "D sistement"} @{"GUI" link "Interface"} @{"History" link "Historique"} @{"Installation" link "Installation"} @{"License" link "Distribution"} @{"Menus" link "Menus"} @{"Overview" link "Pr sentation"} @{"Parameters" link "Param tres"} @{"Thanks to..." link "Remerciements"} @{"TODO" link "A faire..."} Buttons Contacting author " link "Contacter l'auteur" 0} Copyrights " link "Copyrights" 0} Disclaimer " link "D sistement" 0} " link "Interface" 0} History " link "Historique" 0} Installation " link "Installation" 0} License " link "Distribution" 0} Menus " link "Menus" 0} Overview " link "Pr sentation" 0} Parameters " link "Param tres" 0} Thanks to... " link "Remerciements" 0} " link "A faire..." 0} @{"author" link "Author" 0} @{"bgui.library" link "bgui.library" 0} @{"Copyrights" link "Copyrights" 0} @endnode